DIIR Kalon Inaugurates Exhibit on ‘Tibetan Democracy in Exile

DIIR Kalon Dicki Chhoyang addressing the media at the inaugural session of Tibet Museum’s exhibition, 14 October 2015.
DHARAMSHALA: Kalon Dicki Chhoyang of the Department of Information and International Relations, Central Tibetan Administration today inaugurated an exhibition titled ‘Tibetan Democracy in Exile’ at the Tibet Museum located at Tsuklagkhang, Mcloed Ganj.
Addressing the media, DIIR Kalon said, “The exhibit highlights the evolution of the Tibetan democratic polity since the establishment of Commission of Tibetan People’s Deputy (CTPD) in 1960, adoption of the Charter in 1991, the direct election of Kalon Tripa by the exiled Tibetans followed by His Holiness’ devolution of political authority to an elected Tibetan leadership in 2011.”
In view of the upcoming election, DIIR Kalon said that the exhibit hopes to educate the Tibetans regarding the evolution of Tibetan Democracy in Exile. She further added that the present Tibetan democratic system owes its gratitude to the vision and tireless effort of His Holiness the Dalai Lama.
She also explained the aims and objectives of the Tibet Museum. The Tibet Museum was established in 1998 to apprise the Tibetan issue to foreigners and inform Tibetan youth on the history and current plight of Tibet.