The Tibet Museum Concludes Maiden Exhibition Tour in Singapore

Director of Tibet Museum Mr Tashi Phuntsok describing exhibition at Poh Ming Tse Temple, Singapore
Singapore: The Tibet Museum of the Department of Information and International Relations, Central Tibetan Administration, concluded its maiden photo exhibition tour in Singapore with an exhibition at Amitabha Buddhist Center on 13 July 2016.
The eight daylong exhibition tour was kicked off from Tanjong Katong Complex on 6 July 2016, where more than one thousand Singaporean as well as some Tibetans gathered at the venue for celebratory lunch of His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama 81st Birthday Celebration and Tibetan Buddhist Centre 10th Year Anniversary.
From 7 – 8 July 2016, the photo exhibition was showcased at the Tibetan Buddhist Center, Singapore and from 9 – 10 July 2016, the exhibition was moved to Poh Ming Tse Temple, where more than 200 local Buddhist Singaporean gathered for two-day Monlam Chenmo (Prayer Ceremony). The exhibition was again moved to Tibetan Buddhist Center for two days from 11 – 12 July 2016, where monks from Namgyal Monastery of Dharamshala made a Chenrezig Sand Mandala and Dharamshala based Men-Tse-Khang displayed an exhibition on Tibetan Medicine and Astrology. The last and concluding exhibition was held at the Amitabha Buddhist Center on 13 July 2016.
Around 1,500 people, mostly Chinese, came to see the eight-day long photo exhibition on His Holiness life and his messages at four different venues in Singapore. The visitor commended the efforts of the organizer and the Tibet Museum for holding the exhibition of its kind first time in Singapore. The eight days long exhibition in Singapore was held at the invitation of the Tibetan Buddhist Center, Singapore.
The Tibet Museum is scheduled to showcase its next exhibition on ‘His Holiness Life and messages’ and ‘Indo-Tibet Relations’ at Hubbali, Karnataka State, during the two-day South Zone Tibet Support Group Conference from 23 – 24 July 2016.

Mr Tenzing Ramjam guiding visitor at Poh Ming Tse Temple, Singapore

Visitors at exhibition at Amitabha Buddhist Center, Singapore.

Director Tashi Phuntsok guiding visitors at exhibition at Amitabha Buddhist center