Wisconsin Tibetan Association Hosts The Tibet Museum’s Exhibition

WISCONSIN: The Tibet Museum of the Department of Information and International Relations, Central Tibetan Administration, Dharamshala, in it’s third leg of North America tour, showcased a photo exhibition in Madison, Wisconsin. The photo exhibition and fund raising event was hosted in Deer Park Buddhist Center and Madison Area Technical College (MATC) on April 29 and 30, 2018 respectively.
Ms. Lalita du Perron, Associate Director, Center for South Asia Studies and Academic Director, South Asia Summer Language Institute, University of Wisconsin, Madison, inaugurated the exhibition at the Deer Park Culture Center. The senior resident monks of the centre recited the Buddhist mantras as a mark of auspicious beginning of the event.
Lobsang Tenzing, the President of the Wisconsin Tibetan Association (WTA), thanked the Tibet Museum for bringing the photo exhibition all the way from Dharamshala and also thanked Ms. Lalita du Perron for coming to the exhibition amid her busy schedules. Mr. Tashi Phuntsok, Director of the Tibet Museum also briefed the gathering about the new Tibet Museum project and the purpose behind undertaking such an extensive traveling exhibition tour.
Around 500 Tibetans and non-Tibetans came to see the photo exhibition and film screening and greatly appreciated the effort of the Tibet Museum. Ms. Kesang Takla, former Kalon of the Department of Information and International Relations also visited the Tibet Museum’s exhibition and commended the effort of the Tibet Museum. On April 30, the Madison Area Technical College hosted the photo exhibition and film screening.
The Tibet Museum is scheduled to showcase its next exhibition in New York at Satyanaran Mandir, 75-15, Woodside Avenue, Jackson Heights, on May 5 and 6, 2018. A documentary film titled ‘OUT OF THIS WORLD: Journey into Forbidden Tibet’ will be also screen during the two days event.
The space for The Tibet Msueum’s exhibition in Wisconsin was rendered by Rev. Lhundup Ssherab la, President of Deer Park Buddhist Center.

The inauguration of The Tibet Museum’s exhibition.

Visitors at The Tibet Museum’s exhibition in Wisconsin.

Visitors at the Tibet Museum’s exhibition.

Visitors at the Tibet Museum’s exhibition.

The inauguration of The Tibet Museum’s exhibition.

Visitors at The Tibet Museum’s exhibition in Wisconsin.

Visitors at the Tibet Museum’s exhibition.

Visitors at the Tibet Museum’s exhibition.

Screening of documentary films.