Panel Exhibition on ‘India and Tibet: Ancient Ties and Current Bonds’ and ‘Journey into Exile’ in Paonta Sahib

Paonta Sahib: The Tibet Museum, under the Department of Information and International Relations, Central Tibetan Administration showcased a panel exhibition on ‘India and Tibet: Ancient Ties and Current Bonds’ and ‘Journey into Exile’ on Paonta Sahib’s Municipal ground. The event “The Tibet Awareness Program 2023” was jointly organised by four settlements namely Paonta Choesum, Sakya Puruwala, Kham Kathok Sataun, Gapa Tibetan Settlement Kamrao, and the Indo Tibetan Friendship Society of Sirmour District and it was a part of their campaign to spread awareness of Tibet cause to the members of Indo Tibetan Friendship Society, Indian friends and Tibet supporters.
The former Finance Kalon, Karma Yeshi, graced the event as Chief Guest along with the guest of honour, Choekyong Wangchuk, the former Health Kalon. Dr Madan Lal Khurana, President of Indo Tibetan Friendship Society (Sirmour), and Tashi Dickey from the India Tibet Coordination Office attended the awareness programme as special guests.
The exhibition drew hundreds of local visitors and Tibetan who actively attended the exhibition with much eagerness and enthusiasm. Two representing staff of Tibet Museum handed Tibet Museum’s brochure, India and Tibet book and a number of publications of the Department of Information and International Relations to promote awareness about the ongoing atrocities in Tibet under the oppressive policies of China in three different languages of Hindi, Tibetan and English.

Local Indians and event guests along with Tibetans from four different settlements going through the exhibition

Visitors going through the DIIR publication book on Tibet issues.

Visitors going through the panels