The Tibet Museum Staff Attends 2018 Asian Sites of Conscience Meeting in Cambodia

Ms Yeshi Wangmo, Tibet Museum takes part in 2018 Asian Sites of Conscience meeting held at Phnom Penh, Cambodia from 22 – 25 April 2018.
PHNOM PENH, Cambodia: The Tibet Museum of Department of Information and International Relations, CTA has this year joined the International Coalition of Sites of Conscience and has taken part in 2018 Asian Sites of Conscience meeting held at Phnom Penh, Cambodia from 22 – 25 April 2018.
The meeting was co-organised by the Peace Institute of Cambodia, Youth for Peace. It was attended by Asia network members from Cambodia, Afghanistan, Nepal, Philippines, Sri Lanka, and Tibetan Diaspora. Two members from Human Rights Media Center, South Africa and Museo de la Resistencia, Dominican Republic also attended the meeting via Skype.
The objectives of the meeting were:
* To enhance member capacity to create new opportunities for marginalized communities to engage in building cultures of Democracy and Human Rights.
* Develop concrete plan for a joint regional project that meets community engagement needs.
* To continue to expand membership in the Asian Regional Network through member connections and recommendations.
The four day meeting began with optional site visit on 22nd April to Tuol Sleng and Killing fields in the area which are both memorial sites, chronicling the Cambodian genocide. The site depicts the stories of Khmer Rouge regime from 1975 to 1979 in Cambodia.

2018 Asian Sites of Conscience meeting held at Phnom Penh, Cambodia from 22 – 25 April 2018.

2018 Asian Sites of Conscience meeting held at Phnom Penh, Cambodia from 22 – 25 April 2018.
On 23rd Khet Long, director of Peace Institute of Cambodia-Youth for Peace and Elizabeth Silkes, Executive director of International Coalition of Sites of Conscience welcome all the members and followed by Report on Global Programs by Linda Norrris, Global Network program Director of International Coalition of Sites of Conscience.
Each member then tabled presentations of Exemplary Sites of Conscience Initiatives, addressing the following key elements:
1. Organization’s Mission
2. Key issues facing your community
3. What marginalized community do you work with and why are they selected?
4. Primary goals of last year
5. What did you do that had greatest impact in the last year? How did you evaluate the impact?

Ms Yeshi Wangmo, Tibet Museum giving a presentation on the current Tibet Museum and its functions and the ongoing new Tibet Museum project.

Ms Yeshi Wangmo, Tibet Museum giving a presentation on the current Tibet Museum and its functions and the ongoing new Tibet Museum project.
Ms Yeshi Wangmo from The Tibet Museum gave presentation on the current Tibet Museum and its functions and also spoke about the ongoing new Tibet Museum project. Since some of the members are not aware of Tibetan issues, the presentation serves as a tool to raise awareness about Tibet and its issues within different ethnic groups.
On the third day, members were taken to visit Kraing Ta Chen Peace learning Center and assigned activities to deepen the understanding of ways to foster engagement both internally at a Site of conscience and externally with marginalized communities.
On the following day Linda and Elizabeth, being representative of International Coalition of Sites of Conscience, proposed the members to file projects that each organization wants to commence in the following year. The International Coalition of Sites of Conscience will later select two project proposals and support funding the two projects. They will also enable an exchange program in the following year.

2018 Asian Sites of Conscience meeting held at Phnom Penh, Cambodia from 22 – 25 April 2018.

2018 Asian Sites of Conscience meeting held at Phnom Penh, Cambodia from 22 – 25 April 2018.

Participants and organisers of the 2018 Asian Sites of Conscience meeting held at Phnom Penh, Cambodia from 22 – 25 April 2018.