SharedJourneys Exhibition
18th of May, on the occasion of #internationalmuseumday The Tibet Museum celebrated the day by launching the shared journeys panel exhibition in its temporary exhibition section. Sikyong Penpa Tsering, DIIR Kalon Norzin Dolma and Under Secretary Uzra Zeya, U.S Special Coordinator of Tibet issue and delegates from the United States bestowed the museum with their presence.
The Shared Journey Panel exhibition emphasizes the work of 12 member organizations of the Asian and Pacific Sites of Conscience Network. The panel exhibition unveils the victim’s first-hand experience of migration, exile and rights of minorities via organizations in Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Cambodia, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Taiwan and The Tibet Museum in India.
China’s official narrative is of a peaceful liberation and a peaceful Tibet, where economic development, freedom from ‘feudal bonds’ and the growth of secular cultural institutions ushers in a period of modernity. In the seven decades since 1951, there is a constant rise in the number of Tibetans protesting and committing self-immolation, the dwindling number of Tibetan religious institutions and cultural centers, the civilian casualties resulting from mining and environmental degradation highlight hidden histories that contest this narrative. It has been estimated that 1.2 million Tibetans have died of starvation, violence, or other indirect causes due to what they term ‘the invasion of Tibet’.
Furthermore, the religious repression and cultural genocide continues within Tibet; monitoring and surveillance of citizens’ activities is at unprecedented levels; language rights are denied; and enforced disappearances and arrests are commonplace. Therefore, The Tibet Museum has sought to create an inclusive narrative of historical incidents and peoples’ histories that ‘decolonise’ Tibetan history through a series of photographs and personal stories. This exhibit presents Tibet’s history in its own voice. Visit the #Thetibetmuseum to learn more about the exhibition.